There are sure-fire steps you'd have to take if you're really serious about getting big discounts. This write-up will show tips that will help you save much...
1. The pharmaceutical industry has big brand names. You'll raise your rates if you buy big brand name drugs. But will you believe it if I told you that all generic drugs are required by law to include the same active agents as brand name drugs? Where they are free to have any dissimilarity is in the inactive ingredients.
So by buying brand names you surely aren't getting more value even though you are paying a lot more. Discuss with your doctor about this.
2. If you participate in high risk or extreme sports you will attract high rates. It is therefore up to you to quit such dangerous sports if you need lower rates.
3. There are individuals who are not eligible for special health insurance for low-income earners and at the same time are unable to afford standard policies. If you're among such people, you will benefit greatly from a discount medical card.
A discount medical card makes you eligible to use a network of doctors who have agreed to provide card carriers medical services at a lower rate. These cards are not connected to any insurance company.
You can fall back to this option if you have a pre-existing condition that has made health insurance carriers either declare you uninsurable or give you a rate that is too high. This type of card does not exclude anyone notwithstanding your health history. All you have to do is pay a little monthly fee and you will be eligible to use the services of a network of health care providers at a reduced rate.
4. Paying your premium annually will get you more affordable rates than choosing monthly payments. True, paying monthly might be stressless but it's also much more expensive.
There are transaction charges that are incurred when processing a check. Over the course of a year, your monthly checks would be processed separately because they are all separate transactions. This implies that you'll pay transaction fees 12 times.
Besides, there are also administrative costs that come with the monthly payment option. For instance, it costs some money to send payment notices monthly.
These costs plus a profit margin for this feature is factored into your health insurance premium making it more than the same profile that pays annually every year.
5. This won't be an issue for most individuals but we will still have to talk about it...
Using illegal drugs will raise your rate. And, drug abuse will as well make you get very high rates. That is, if it doesn't make you uninsurable. Steer clear of self-medication as well and you will certainly get lower rates than those who do not.